by Keith
Tuesday, February 21, main street will be abuzz with activity! It'll be the second annual Rockport 35 RV Park Pancake Race!
I just wanted to alert you to this important and FUN! event so you could make plans to attend. More info will be posted here later.
Pam, Chief Race Organizer |
The barrier to entry is low enough that almost everyone will qualify. If you do not qualify, you will be assigned a front-row position in the cheering area. This will be a place where you can cheer your favorite on with enthusiasm and dignity.
We also need spectators to either spectate as offense (cheering on your favorite) or defense (trying to disrupt your favorites opponent.) Last year, it was a toss-up as to who had the most fun, the tossers or the yellers.
Be part of it this year!
After the five-o-clock event, a pancake dinner will be served. I thought that was a good way to not be wasteful, but Pam explained that the pancakes served for dinner will not be the same ones as those used in the race.
This video shows reasonably good form for the race:
Way to go Dad flip the pancake right out of the pan.