Long-time guests at Rockport 35 RV Park know that one of the spark plugs of the park was slowed down a bit this past winter, as in December Karen was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma with Plasma Cell Leukemia. She spent the winter and spring being treated in Corpus Christi and at MD Anderson in Houston.
Then they returned home to Sheridan, Wyoming.
I'll not go into detail because it is all available for you to read. But the bottom line is that Karen is in the hospital in Billings and has been subjected to one discouraging news after another.
There's a marvelous website called Caring Bridge. It is designed for situations such as Karen's and provides a convenient way for the patient, often with the help of family members, to update all of us as to the condition. Karen's daughters have been doing that.
In addition, Caring Bridge provides a means by which readers such as you and I can leave messages of encouragement for the patient and their family. (That's called "Guestbook" in the navigation links.)
Once you get to the link which will appear shortly, you'll have to register and log in. But then you can have emails with updates sent to you automatically. It really is a wonderful service. Here's the link:
http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/karenfoslien/journalIf you get lost, do a search for "karenfoslien" and that should get you to her section.
You're probably wondering why such challenges are placed on such wonderful and active families. We all wonder. And none of us has the answer, other than, "It is not we who decides."
We hope that you'll join Pat and me in remembering Karen, Bob, and the girls and their families with thoughts and prayers during these difficult days.