Monday, June 30, 2014

Dick Carlson Sent Home By Doctor

Dick Carlson Given One-Year Pass

Here's what Lucille posted about her husband, Dick Carlson, a few days ago on Facebook:

Dick and I went to Henry Ford Hospital yesterday to see the liver cancer Dr. After tests he said all looks good, see you next year. Praise the LORD.

[caption id="attachment_597" align="alignright" width="233"]Photo of Dick Carlson Dick Carlson
Providing security at our
Italian Night Dinner Theater
in 2010

We and many others have been following the trials and tribulations of the Carlsons for several years now.

We're pleased that Lucille healed well after her ankle fractures.

And now the news that Dick's tests look good is an answer to more than one person's prayers, I'm sure.

It was news that I was very glad to hear! Now just stay that way, Dick!


Monday, June 9, 2014

The Soup Truck is Coming!

For us Winter Texans who were down in Rockport this past winter, we all were hoping it would not be as cool as predicted. Unfortunately, as the song goes, “you don’t always get what you want.”

It seemed to be especially cool this one particular “pot luck” February night – a winter coat kind of cool - and we were having our “Soup and Baked Potato” night. It was too cold to carry a crock of hot soup to the club house but no need to worry. Tom Carl came up with a fabulous idea and commandeered a couple buddies (Rick and Ron) to help out. They would pick up and deliver all the crocks - no charge.

So, Tom drove his truck and his buddies rode in the back. As he made his way through the park from 5th to 1st streets honking his horn to announce their arrival, the helpers yelled out “soup truck” and everyone brought out their soup for a safe delivery. There was someone in the park unaware of the goings on and came out to see what kind of soup they were selling. Hhmmm, you could just see the prankish ideas forming in their minds.

You just know when certain people get together their presence will result in much carrying on and laughing, and carrying on. They had a great time and all the crocks of hot soup were delivered without spilling a drop in spite of the “truck of fools.”

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