Monday, September 2, 2013

Guess Who Came To Lunch!

by Keith

This gentleman is enjoying not laboring on Labor Day!
I would almost guarantee that you have never seen this person in this position! In fact, the other time I saw him just sit down was noteworthy. But this!!!!!

He is somewhat incognito in this picture, but do you know who he is?

Tune in later for the rest of the story!


There are two unusual aspects of this picture:
  1. He is sans beard, the first time we've ever seen him that way, and
  2. He's definitely "kicked back!" For him to be seen in such a position is super-rare indeed!
Yes, it's Terry Calhoun!

We were pleased that Terry and Linda chose to spend their Labor Day driving the 80 miles or so from Bettendorf to Cedar Rapids for a visit.

It was the only way Terry could not work on this day; we were glad to help him not work!

We got updated on many of our friends from Rockport 35 RV Park, so that was enjoyable. Unfortunately, it seems some are not as spry as we remembered them. And of course they could say the same about us—and probably have!

Pat served a simple but good lunch after a visit, then we gave them a tour of Cedar Rapids. The main theme here these days is all the new buildings recently opened, some of them prompted by the flood of five years ago: Federal Court House, Library, Fire Station, huge new medical center, and the relocated National Czech and Slovak Museum with addition. There has been a real building boom going on here. And we've not visited any of them yet. The library is high on the list!

Terry, Linda, Pat
If you're reading this blog, these folks should need no introduction!

Keith, Terry, Linda
Speaking of the blog (this one!) Linda said that she enjoys it and checks it almost daily. I'm aware that several do and I appreciate that. I know that other 35 RVers would be interested in what you are up to, so feel free to comment or send me an email.

Would you like to be next for lunch and a tour of Cedar Rapids? We'd love to have you!


Guess Who's Coming To Lunch!

by Keith

If I told you now, there's be no suspense.

So i won't!

But some friends whom you know will be here and we're thrilled!

The answer will be revealed later today.