Saturday, October 2, 2010

Al Recovering from Surgery

This note was received from Allison today:

Most of you know that Al, since December, has been undergoing Chemo therapy to arrest breast cancer.

Yesterday he had surgery to remove the lump.

It was discovered that the tumor was continuing to grow and invade the muscle of the chest wall & the lymph nodes.

Thus, Al had a radical mastectomy with removal of all of the lymphnodes in the axilla (under the arm on that side).

He will continue with chemotherapy and radiation.

Your prayers to the Lord Jesus for Al and Audrey are in order. Cards will also be appreciated.

Love to you all,


This illness and the treatments certainly must have crimped Al's style. Because he's always very active at the park, his church, the school, and community affairs, having to add "get well" to the very top of his to-do list no doubt frustrated him a bit. But, as Al himself might say, "You gotta do what you gotta do!"

Through this ordeal, Al has continued his positive attitude and determination to win this round.

Thanks to Allison for this information.