Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dick Carlson - Improving

by Dianne

One week ago today, Dick was admitted to Christis Spohn Memorial Hospital in Corpus due to upper body pain and shallow breathing.  The doctors diagnosed his problem as fluid in the right lung area (pressing on his heart) and fluid and infection in the pocket area of the liver where the right lobe was removed last fall.  With drainage tubes inserted and antibiotics, he is getting better and feeling better every day. 

As his progress continues, doctors will move him out of the cardiac care unit to a regular room (soon we hope).  From there, he will be released to a rehab facility to help him regain some of his strength before coming home.  Any of us who have been down for more than a week, know how quickly we become like rag dolls and it takes time to build those muscles up.

On the positive side, Dick did have a PET scan a couple of weeks ago which showed no signs of cancer anywhere – for that we thank and praise God.

1 comment:

  1. Thanking God that Dick is improving and has no signs of cancer!!! Take care of each other! Blessings, Sherry and John
