Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday Breakfast

One of the real treats enjoyed by residents of Rockport 35RV Park is the Saturday breakfast, served by a seasoned group of volunteers for 3$/person. Here are a few pictures of this morning's crew. The bad news is that Bill, a Saturday morning regular, mayor of fifth Street, and all-around darling of the park, has already departed for the snowbanks of St. Paul.

Two-pot Marv.
Here's Waiter Marv, always there when the coffee cup gets just a tad low. This is a reliable crew and Marv is always part of it! Here Marv is making sure that Willie and Betty's cups are full.

Tom with full plate.And here's Tom from Illinoi (no "s", please!), a relative newcomer to the crew. Reports are that with a another year or two of mentoring by Bill, he'll be OK.

Below's another newcomer, Larry. It's great to see new blood work into the kitchen!

Larry and Terry.And Terry's here, too, of course. There's probably not a job on the park that Terry hasn't done! Of course when you arise at four or so in the morning, you have lot's of time to find things to do and to do them! Terry's our resident poet and favors us with memorized poems at special occasions. And they're not short poems! Poetry is Terry's ministry; he enjoys it and does it well.

This little paragraph on the Saturday breakfasts can be considered my Thank You to all the guys who help make it a great breakfast and a wonderful social hour.

Thanks, Guys!

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