Sunday, August 29, 2010

Changes in Mind

Once we get solidly settled, I hope to do some serious computing. One thing I have in mind is updating this website.

Since I first started this site about 3 1/2 years ago, lots of things have changed in the blogging world. Even this site host ( offers themes and features which are not implemented on this blog.

There are other software packages which provide nearly unlimited possibilities as to appearance and features. WordPress impresses me greatly, so I'm thinking of trying it.

I'd like to have the site generate more readership (or course!) and more interactivity. If it were super easy to leave a comment, and have it show up quickly, more of you would comment, right?

Hopefully, we'll find out in the coming months.

By the way, if you have an idea of some feature you'd like to see on this Rockport 35 RV Park blog, please suggest it!