Friday, October 26, 2012

This Story is Just Ducky

by Julee, mostly, via Keith

Please start this story by watching this video:

Then read Julee's first-person account here:

True story - Tom and I had spent a week in Canada on the English River system in a cabin built into a hill surrounded by huge tall trees. We are packing up to leave on the last day, I am out on our deck.....I hear this duck quacking. [I knew what it was as I had mallard ducks as pets as a child..yes, I did].

Anyway, I look down 5 or so feet to the ground and sure enough there is the duck. As God is my wittiness, here they come, jumping out of this hole in the tree 40 feet above me.

I am screaming for Tom, I am catching as many as I could. They were not balls of fluff, they felt like kiwi's honestly. I was so scared they would just blow up when they hit the deck, the ground, the picnic table, mercy. One did get stuck head first between two boards on our deck.

 Well, she gathered those that made it and headed for the river, never looked back. Unbelievable.

I know how that guy felt!



1 comment:

  1. That was a heart-warming story -- thanks for sharing. Good way to start the day.

    Dianne and Rick
