Monday, March 18, 2013

Canadian Challenge

By Mike Lukens via Dianne

Mike Lukens lives on North 5th Street - west side; he has a boat, likes to fish, and often invites residents from the park to fish with him. I believe most people in the park know Mike. Sorry, I don't have his picture.

On a recent international excursion Mike had the pleasure of hosting the Manitoba vs. Ontario fishing challenge with Marvin Orloff representing Manitoba and Bob Deforge representing Ontario.

As Mike reported, this turned out to be the "biggest fish" challenge between Marvin and Bob. As you can see, Bob won.  Marvin had a hard time giving up that buck, by the way.  As shown in the photo it was not even Canadian currency. Marvin!



  1. From Dale & Tootie Facile

    We made it home to Jasper, Mn. 28, 2013. Very good trip. Very little snow on the ground. Temp in 50's during the day.

    1. Glad you made it home with no problems as did Gary and I. We did have to stay in Waco an extra night due to high winds, but otherwise, an enjoyable trip. We hope to see you next year.
