Friday, March 2, 2012

About Those Ads

by Keith

I spend so much time working on websites that I might as well get paid for it, right?

That's what I thought about five years ago. It seemed like a good idea, so I added Google AdSense ads to this and other websites.

On this site, these are the ads which currently appear just below the "Rockport in the News" section in the right hand column.

Whenever someone clicks on one of those ads, I get paid a small amount. That small amount is almost always a few pennies, from one to five. On another site, I have gotten as much as $1.38 for one click!

Google AdSense ads are not a big moneymaker for me. First, my sites do not get hundreds of visitors each day. For example, this site has been visited by 15 to 69 people each day since January 1, 2011. The average is about 35/day.

Most of us are pretty immune to those ads so they don't get clicked very often. They get clicked so un-often that it takes about three years to earn $100, and that's from all my sites which use them, not just this site.

A get-rich-quick scheme? Not so much!

I'll cover the Amazon ads in a different post, as they are entirely different.


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