Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Marvelous Willys Jeep

By Keith

When I post YouTube or other videos here, it is usually because they are something I enjoyed or found particularly interesting AND feel that at least a few of the readers of this blog will also find them enjoyable or interesting.

This one might have a small audience of those who appreciate it but it is a good history lesson of what American industry could do 65 years ago. And it shows something I didn't know: the great design of the Willys Jeep! In this case, it certainly proves that simple is better!

I'm sure this was designed with the involvement of the government in some way. But it must have been minimal, as the product turned out great! Can you imagine what the result of more-or-less similar requirements would be today?

Actually, I think it's called a Humvee. But I bet 8 or 9 guys can't do with a Humvee what these guys do with a Jeep!

Readers with an interest in things mechanical, especially, should spend a few minutes and watch this.

Any readers have any stories which attest to the great design of the Willys Jeep?


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