Saturday, January 11, 2014

Equal Opportunity: Something for Fishermen

Equal Opportunity; Something for Everyone at the Park

In the previous article, the video showed a way to make a kitchen task easier and offered a tool which could do the same thing.

But what if you're more of an "outdoorser" than one who loves the kitchen? That article offered nothing for you!

Many at Wilderness Oaks Can Use This

So those folks don't feel neglected, here's an item a good number of folks at Wilderness Oaks can use!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="124"]Photo of spool of fishing line, offered as an equal opportunity product! Here's some fishing line!
Possibly, it's a good value![/caption]

The Real Reason

There's a reason for everything, right?

The real reason for this post is to try some new software which, it says in their advertising, will make adding things from Amazon a snap. At the momement, I'd have to say the product was oversold a bit.

However, if you'd like to go ahead and purchase this or anything else from Amazon, I'd be grateful. You see, if you do that after clicking on one of the links here I'll get a small commission.


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